  • 28 Jul 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Article summary


Data Sources: Ecommerce Platform (BigCommerce, NetSuite, Shopify, Other), Google Analytics, Tadpull Pixel Site Behavior, Ad Platforms (Facebook Ads, Google Ads) Data Studio (Rocks/Issues)

The homepage provides a snapshot into key performance metrics for eCommerce sites. It aggregates data from multiple data sources and unifies it seamlessly to provide insights that might otherwise take hours to generate. With the comparison to the prior year, trends like a decline in revenue might be uncovered more quickly. For example, if site traffic is steady but conversion rate is down, there may be a page loading issue or low inventory levels. 

In addition to macro ecommerce metrics, there are also high-level metrics that report on paid marketing performance, inventory & top performing products and categories, and post-purchase site experience (NPS) scores. These together give the user a glimpse into how the store is doing overall, and allows them to easily identify areas to dig deeper if further investigation is needed. 

Global Date Filter

There is a global date filter at the top right of the page that controls all charts on the page. Each section has the ability to then be adjusted individually, but will be overwritten if the global date filter is adjusted. 

Revenue & Site Performance Snapshot

The top section gives an at-a-glance view of key metricsa to quickly see what may need attention. The values here are reported from the organization's ecommerce platform data and Tadpull Tracker + Google Analytics where indicated:

  • Revenue - Total revenue from website purchases. Does not include shipping, tax, or returns.
  • Gross Profit - Total profit from website purchases. Does not include shipping, tax, or returns. (Revenue - Product Cost)
  • Conversion Rate - Number of sessions that resulted in a conversion, represented as a percent. (Transactions/Sessions)
  • Average Order Value - The average value of all website purchases. (Total Revenue/Total Transactions)
  • Sessions - The group of interactions taken by a user on your website over a given period of time (ex: page visits, actions taken, conversions).
  • Per Session Value - Average revenue from website purchases per session. (Total Revenue/Total Sessions)

The icons at the bottom of each metric card indicate where the data is sourced from. If the date range selected does includes session data where our tracker was not installed yet, we supplement with Google Analytics data.

We are also able to see specific values over time with their comparison to the prior year. Users are also able to compare metrics in the given timeframe by adjusting the "Chart Type" to show dual metrics. This time series chart also has its own date picker. If the date is adjusted here, it will also adjust the values of the cards above the time series.

Single Metric:

Dual Metric:

Performance by Channel & Channel Performance Metrics

The next section allows a user to see a quick visual breakdown of revenue by channel, then see the nitty gritty details by channel for each of the following:
  • Revenue
  • Conversion Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • AOV
  • Per Session Value
And, since our tracking can be blocked on certain browsers like Firefox, Brave or DuckDuckGo, as well as ad blockers, you can even see how much revenue has come from orders where our tracker was blocked. We do this by matching the orders we receive from our tracker, to the orders we receive from the ecommerce platform. For any we did not capture, we note those as blocked. If the date range selected does includes session data where our tracker was not installed yet, we supplement with Google Analytics data.

In the channel section, the breakdown will be similar to Google Analytics in that we split similar channels, and like Google Analytics, it reports on last non-direct click. In Pond, we use a standard 90-day lookback for last non-direct click. The best way to think about this is if a user visits your site from any channel other than Direct, meaning there was a referrer domain (like Google or Bing) indicating an Organic session or UTM parameters present in the URL indicating channels such as email or paid, Google will look for that last session and bucket all subsequent ones under that same channel. 

For example, in this journey where users came to the site directly, then from email, then directly three times, we (and Google Analytics) would attribute this to email and NOT direct.

Reported directly out of ad platforms (Facebook, Google), this gives a high-level overview of how well paid efforts are performing, with the ability to filter down to a single platform at a time. The metrics to note here are:
  • Average ROAS -Total return on ad spend from website purchases, reported by advertising platforms, shown as a percent. (Revenue from Website Purchases driven by Ads/Ad Spend)
  • Revenue -Total revenue from purchases driven by ads, reported by advertising platforms.
  • Total Spend -Total ad spend, reported by advertising platforms.
  • MER -The ratio of total website revenue divided by total ad spend, shown as a number. (Total Website Revenue/Total Marketing Spend)
  • CAC -Total amount spent to acquire new customers, where amount spent is calcuated using spend reported by ad platforms. (Total Amount Spent on Ad Platforms/Count of New Customers)

As with the time series charts above, the user has the ability to apply a date filter specifically to this section, which also controls the metric cards above it.

Inventory Snapshot

Understand high-level inventory performance over time, and get a snapshot of what you have available to sell at MSRP, and what your liability is (if you have uploaded product cost).

  • Quantity Sold
  • Quantity Available
  • % With Broken Sizing
  • % Out of Stock
  • On-Hand Revenue
  • On-Hand Cost

The only metric not using strictly ad platform data is MER, which pulls revenue from the site performance section at the top.

We will also report on the top 5 products and categories for the selected time period.

NPS Snapshot

Lastly, we've included some additional insights from recent NPS submissions, including top positive and negative comments. This is based on volume, so extending the date range will offer more results. The data is collected via our NPS module that is launched on the order confirmation page.